7 Basic Steps for the Volunteers During Coastal Clean-Up

 Whether you are a first-timer or not in joining the International Coastal Clean-up, here are the 7 basic steps you need to know as a volunteer:

1. KNOW YOUR COASTAL CLEAN-UP SITE. Coordinate with the ICC Coordinator/ Ecological Solid Waste Management Focal Person of each LGU for the specific area of assignment. (i.e. If an institution wants to join the ICC activity in Baclayon, the institution will coordinate directly with the ICC Coordinator of Baclayon for the specific area of assignment)

2. BRING YOUR OWN COASTAL CLEAN-UP MATERIALS. Bring your own sack for your trash, gloves, and tongs for your safety when picking up sharp objects and personal hygiene debris.

3. SEGREGATE. Segregate the trash according to the type of trash you collected during the coastal clean-up based on the Ocean Trash Data Form.

4. RECORD THE TRASH THAT YOU COLLECTED.  We do not only pick trash or marine debris but also we have to record and tally the kind of trash in the Ocean Trash Data Form that was provided to you. Endeavor to count the number of pieces and/or estimate corresponding volume/ weight.


5. DISPOSE YOUR TRASH PROPERLY. Dispose your trash in a proper bin in your area. If you cannot find one, gather all collected trash in one place so that it will be easier for the Barangay/ Municipal trash collectors to pick them.

6. ALWAYS HAVE DOCUMENTATIONS. Get the attendance of all volunteers in your group and don’t forget to take pictures during the activity. These are also the requirements for the submission of your Data Forms.

7. SUBMIT YOUR RECORDED DATA. Submit immediately your filled-out Ocean Trash Data Form, attendance sheets, and photo documentation to the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Focal Person of the Municipality where you conducted the Coastal Clean-Up. The ICC Coordinator/ ESWM Focal Person will submit/email to BPEMO (bpemophil@gmail.com) the consolidated data not later than September 26, 2022.

Download your Volunteer Data Form here: ICC Volunteers Data Form

For ICC 2022 Official Banner, you may download it here: ICC Banner design 1 ICC Banner Design 2
