Dead Green Sea Turtle Rescued from Talibon, Bohol Diagnosed With Fibropapillomatosis

A dead male Green Sea Turtle was turned over to the office yesterday afternoon. 

The green sea turtle was found by LGU Talibon fish warden. It was very weak when they found it floating in between Sag and Cataban Island. They noticed a big tumor in its head near the carapace and in its left flipper. Unfortunately, the turtle died days after it was rescued. 

Personnel from CENRO Talibon and LGU Talibon brought the turtle to the old laboratory of the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian for necropsy. Dr. Frederick MedriƱan, found out that the tumor was caused by a Fibropapilloma Virus and it was contagious to other sea turtles. Aside from the 2 tumors found in his external body parts, he found more tumors in some major organs inside its body. 

The said sea turtle was preserved in a freezer for further study that will be done by Dr. Alessandro Ponzo, Executove Director of the Large Marine Vertebrates (LAMAVE)to find out more of its death and its condition. 

Fibropapillomatosis is a fatal virulent tumor most commonly known to severely affected green sea turtles but it has also been found in other species. The Fibropapillo virus is still not fully understood but is believed to be caused by a combination of viral and environmental factors.

The FP virus is associated to the herpesvirus and the transmissibility to humans and the potential impacts it can cause on human health is unknown. It should be noted that the FP virus is not always visible and can be carried by a turtle without visible tumors on the turtle.

In some cases turtles can be saved with the surgical removal of the tumors however in almost 60% of cases tumors regrow post-surgery.
